初戦で一番熱い戦いだったのが、この【Plagioclase vs Garnet】(斜長石 vs 柘榴石)
ROUND 1 MATCH 7. Today is a biggie!!! Two of the most popular #MinCup minerals meet in the first round of #MinCup2019. It's #PLAGIOCLASE vs #GARNET. You have 24hrs to vote for your preferred mineral to progress to Round 2 of #MinCup2019.
— Mineral Cup (@MineralCup) September 7, 2019
This is a particularly tough one! As an undergrad, zoning and twinning in plagioclase under the microscope gave me a greater understanding of crystal structures and growth mechanisms...
— Mirren Green (@MirrenGreen) September 7, 2019
(Capo del Gata andesite, FOV c. 4mm pic.twitter.com/uFw1VDHcmB
Another hard choice today. I really like #garnet but as a pegmatite person some of the albitic feldspars I have seen are absolutely lovely! So #plagioclase gets my vote today. Images of (1) albitisation in a pegmatite from Zimbabwe & (2) bladed cleavelandite also from Zimababwe pic.twitter.com/eIkvQfhoCE
— Richard Shaw (@Rashaw_Rocks) September 7, 2019
Look at the deep, mysterious beauty, and exquisite twinning of this dark plagioclase megacryst from the Klokken Intrusion, Greenland, from the @Hunterian collections.😍 pic.twitter.com/AVMOoF3CXa
— John Faithfull (@FaithfullJohn) September 7, 2019
Two words.
— Kelly Hereid (@KellyHereid) September 7, 2019
Labradorite. Countertops.#lifegoals #teamplag pic.twitter.com/dRPfX9OjC0
— てるてる (@IWKRterter) September 7, 2019
For those into the mechanical behavior of materials and/or the materials physics of minerals: #Plagioclase shows higher strain at higher stress and lower strain at lower stress, suggesting it could be used as a strain marker in volcanic systems.https://t.co/FaULNZahiu pic.twitter.com/YmkEBo5Mi6
— Tanis Coralee Leonhardi (@TanisLeonhardi) September 7, 2019
For those garnet enthusiasts not impressed with twinning, #plagioclase also displays remarkable oscillatory zoning! #TeamPlagioclase pic.twitter.com/swQQaa5f29
— Tanis Coralee Leonhardi (@TanisLeonhardi) September 8, 2019